Coronaviruset överlever inte mer än 30 sekunder i bassängerna

Coronaviruset överlever inte mer än 30 sekunder i bassängerna

Vattnet i bassänger kan inaktivera Covid-19 viruset efter bara 30 sekunder, vid rätt förhållanden. Detta visar en studie vid Imperial Collage i Londn. 

Professor Wendy Barclay vid  Imperial College i London säger: 

“By mixing the virus with swimming pool water that was delivered to us by the Water Babies team, we could show that the virus does not survive in swimming pool water: it was no longer infectious.

“That, coupled with the huge dilution factor of virus that might find its way into a swimming pool from an infected person, suggests the chance of contracting Covid-19 from swimming pool water is negligible.”

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2021-04-17 06:09
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